Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States of America
Latitude 40°37′29″N
Longitude 73°57′8″W
City Brooklyn
State/ Province New York
County Kings County
Country United States of America


Place Map


  1. Gavsie Gavza, Charles ben Feivel (Philip)
  2. Gavsie Gavza, Philip Feivel Fivell ben Yechiel
  3. Gavsie, William Harold ben Feivel (Philip)
  4. Grobshteyn, Elka
  5. Grobshteyn, Khana
  6. Grobshteyn, Mark
  7. Grobstein, Bertha
  8. Grubshtein, Sofya
  9. Grubshtein, Vladimir
  10. Grubsstein, Harold
  11. Grubstein, Hyman
  12. Grubstein, Irving
  13. Grubstein, Ralph
  14. Grubstein, Saul
  15. Levy, Libby bat Avraham (Abraham)
  16. Levy, Nathan David ben Avraham (Abraham)
  17. Litovsky, Aaron
  18. Litovsky, David
  19. Litovsky Litowski Leith, Doris Dora Dwosche S. bat Zeev (Wolf)
  20. Monashkin, Leonard
  21. Ullman, Albert Jacob