Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, Nathan Soloman ben Shlomo (Solomon)

Birth Name Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, Nathan Soloman ben Shlomo (Solomon) [1]
Birth Name גרובשטיין, נתן בן שלמה
Also Known As Proctor, 'Nick'
Call Name Nathan
Call Name נתן
Call Name 'Nick'
Nick Name 'Nick' [1]
Gender male
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth January 12, 1895 Одеса Odessa, Одеська міськрада, Одеська область, України Nathan ben Shlomo Grobshtein was born on 16 Tevet, 5655 ט״ז בְּטֵבֵת תרנ״ה

Emigration   Baki Баку Baku, Azərbaycan Solomon Grobshtein, his wife, Pola, and 3 children, Nathan 'Nick', David and Rachel 'Rae', emigrated to Montreal

Military Service 1918 Canadian Army Armée de terre canadienne (Canadian Land Forces), National Defence  

Event Note

Regimental number 3083116

Naturalization July 25, 1931    

Event Note

The Naturalization of Nathan Grobstein was recorded, under the Natualization Act, during the month of December, 1935, according to Series E (Certificates granted to persons naturalized previous to coming into force of above Act (Naturalization Act).
Nathan Grobstein's profession was recorded as Accountant.

Naturalization Number and Series: 19449 E

Marriage   Montreal, Quebec, Canada Nathan 'Nick' Grobstein married Sarah Hoffman

Death   Montreal, Quebec, Canada Nathan Grobstein Proctor died after a lengthy illness

Cremation   Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Nathan Grobstein Proctor was cremated, and his ashes interred in common ground on Mount Royal



Father Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, Solomon Gregorovich ben Tzvi Dov (ben Tzvi (Hirsch) Dov (Ber)
Mother Grobshtein Grobstein, Pola
  1. Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, David ben Shlomo (Solomon)
  2. Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, Rachel bat Shlomo (Solomon)


Married Wife Hoffman, Sarah
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage   Montreal, Quebec, Canada Nathan 'Nick' Grobstein married Sarah Hoffman



Date Street Locality City State/ Province County Postal Code Country Phone Sources
1918 565 Drolet Street   Montreal Quebec     Canada   [1]



Nathan נתן means God has Given, in Hebrew.
Nathan נתן the Prophet הנביא lived in the time of King David and King Solomon.
Nathan נתן was the son of King David and Bathsheba.
Yiddish Variants:
* Nussen
* Nosson
English variants:
* Nat
* Nath
* Nate


The record in Canadian Soldier of World War 1, 1914-1918, list Soloman Nathan Grobstein, Regimental number 3083116

Source References

  1. Canadian Soldiers of World War 1, 1914-1918


  1. Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, Solomon Gregorovich ben Tzvi Dov (ben Tzvi (Hirsch) Dov (Ber)
    1. Grobshtein Grobstein, Pola
      1. Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, David ben Shlomo (Solomon)
      2. Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, Nathan Soloman ben Shlomo (Solomon)
        1. Hoffman, Sarah
      3. Гробстин Grobshtein Grobstein, Rachel bat Shlomo (Solomon)
