Murdorf-Liechtenstein DP-Lager Murdorf-Liechtenstein DP Camp, Judenburg, bezirk Judenburg, Steiermark, Österreich

Latitude 47°10′21″N
Longitude 14°39′37″E
City Judenburg
County bezirk Judenburg
State/ Province Steiermark
Country Österreich


Murdorf-Liechtenstein DP-Lager consisted of a number of camps including:
* Dietersdorf
* Kaserne
* Kobenz
* Liechtenstein
* Murdorf
Both UNRRA and the AJDC helped to administer the camp.

Source References

  1. The Brigade: and Epic Story of Vengeance, Salvation, and WW II


  1. Mortkovic Mortkovitch, Leah 'Elonka' Elaine