Kaufhaus Nathan Israel Nathan Israel’s Department Store, Berlin, Deutschland

Street Spandauer Straße 28
City Berlin
Country Deutschland


In March, 1815, Nathan Israel started a small second-hand store on Jüdenstraße, in the center of Berlin.
In 1818, he moved the storeto the Molkenmarkt.


In 1843, Nathan Israel acquired the building at Spandauer Strasse 28, in Nikolai quarter Nikolaiviertel, opposite the Berlin City Hall Roten Rathaus.


In the 1930s, Kaufhaus Nathan Israel was one of the largest retail establishments in Europe.


In 1933. Because it was owned by Jews, Kaufhaus Nathan Israel was boycotted by the German government.
At 10:00AM, April 1, 1933, members of the Sturmabteilung throughout Germany positioned themselves outside Jewish-owned businesses to deter customers.
Stormtroopers positioned themselves by the main doors of Kaufhaus Nathan Israel, on Alexanderplatz, holding placards with the words: "Deutsche! Wehrt Euch! Kauft nicht bei Juden! Germans! Defend yourselves! Don't buy from Jews"
On Kristallnacht, November 10, 1938, the store was ransacked, then handed over by the Nazis to the non-Jewish Emil Köster AG.
In 1939, its Aryanization complete, Kaufhaus Nathan Israel reopened as Das Haus im Zentrum.


  1. Israel, Nathan
  2. Israel, Wilfrid B.