Polatschek, Hedwig

Birth Name Polatschek, Hedwig
Gender female
Age at Death 78 years


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1899 Praha Prague, Česko  

Education   Augsburg, regierungsbezirk Schwaben, Bayern, Deutschland Hedwig Polatschek and her sisters, Ida and Laura, attended Maria-Theresia-School Städtische Töchterschule

Marriage 1919 Heidelberg, regierungsbezirk Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland rnold Weinstock married Hedwig Polatschek

Emigration 1942   Arnold Weinstock, his wife, Hedwig, and children, Fritz and Ruth, left Berlin, and emigrated to Johannesburg

Death 1977   Hedwig Polatschek Weinstock died in Johannesburg



Father Polatschek, Emanuel
Mother Altschul, Olga
  1. Polatschek, Laura
  2. Polatschek, Siegfried
  3. Polatschek, Otto
  4. Polatschek, Ida


  1. Polatschek, Emanuel
    1. Altschul, Olga
      1. Polatschek, Hedwig
      2. Polatschek, Laura
      3. Polatschek, Siegfried
      4. Polatschek, Otto
      5. Polatschek, Ida
