רותם Rozenboim Rotem, Yisrael Isaac ben Yitzhak (Isaac)

Birth Name רותם Rozenboim Rotem, Yisrael Isaac ben Yitzhak (Isaac)
Also Known As רותם, ישראל בן יצחק
Birth Name Rosenboim, Israel ben Yitzhak (Isaac)
Call Name Yisrael
Call Name ישראל
Call Name Israel
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1926 Gdańsk Danzig, województwo Pomorskie, Polska  


Military Service 1941 פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה  

Event Note

Israel Rotem served in A Company.

Military Service   פלי“ם Palyam פלוגת הים‎, פלמ”ח, הגנה  

Boat August 28, 1945 דלין Dahlia Dalin דליה Sirius Dalin דלין sailed from Sdot Yam שדות ים back to Bari

Place Note

On August 28, 1945, Dalin דלין landed at Sdot Yam שדות ים - Caesarea קיסריה, without being discovered by the British.
Tzvi 'Miri' Katzneson cites "On the 29th of that month the ship “Dalin” arrived from Italy with 37 immigrants on board."
Two fishing boats went out to meet Dalin דלין, the first post-war illegal immigrant vessel.
Enrico Levi cites: "On 28 August the Ma’apilim descended on the shore at Caesarea."
Palmach Information Center cites Dalin דלין's passengers were unloaded by five Palyam boats, dispersed and hidden at nearby settlements.
On September 2, 1945, after two days of searching, a kibbutz fishing boat brought ashore 35 passengers.
Palyamniks helped the Maapilim ashore:
* Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai
Tzvi 'Miri' Katznelson cites; "After the immigrants had landed we loaded barrels of diesel fuel on board and she sailed back to Bari."
Dalin דלין's sailed back to Bari carrying:
* Peter Hoffman
* Tzvi 'Miri' Katznelson
* Moshe Rabinowitz
* Avraham Reiss
* Yisrael Rotem
* Eliezer Versh

Boat September 24, 1945 נתן א‘ ב’ Natuna Neptune Nettuno Natan Natan 'נתן ב Nettuno sailed from Bari for Shafayim שפיים

Event Note

Yisrael Rotem served as Palyam Commander מפקד aboard Natan B נתן ב.

Event Note

Arieh Yecheskel Shavit served as Gidoni גדעוני, wireless radio operator, aboard Natan B נתן ב.

Boat March 27, 1946   Yisrael Rotem served as Palyam Commander מפקד, and Escort מלווה

Boat June 19, 1946 יאשיהו ווג‘ווד Josiah Wedgwood אח"י וג’ווד HMCS Beauharnois Colon INS Wedgwood  

Boat   כ"ג יורדי הסירה Giuseppe Bertolli San Sissimo San Sisino Kaf Gimel (23) Yordei haSira Yisrael Rotem served as Palyam Commander מפקד

Boat   התקווה T.V. McAlister USCGC Gresham Tradewinds haTikvah Yisrael Rotem served as Palyam Commander מפקד

Boat   מולדת ‎San Philippo San Felipe Homeland Moledet  

Event Note

On March 23, 1947, Moledet מולדת sailed from Metaponto, carrying 1,568 passengers.
Fabi Gaver served as Palyam Commander aboard Moledet מולדת.
Menachem Ben-Yami served as Gidoni , Wireless Radio Operator, aboard Moledet מולדת.
Alex Dotan Schecht, Gad Heilbrun and Aharon Shechtman served as Palyam Escorts aboard Moledet מולדת.
Palyamniks Yisrael Rotem and Avraham Riklis helped the passengers board.



    1. רותם Rozenboim Rotem, Yisrael Isaac ben Yitzhak (Isaac)