Handeli, Yaacov 'Jacki'

Birth Name Handeli, Yaacov 'Jacki'
Call Name 'Jacki'
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1928 Θεσσαλονίκη Thessaloniki, Νομός Θεσσαλονίκης, Κεντρική Μακεδονία, Μακεδονία, Ελλάδα Yaacov 'Jacki' Handeli's roots in Salonika dated back to the 16th century

Transport 1941 Auschwitz Konzentrationslager, Oświęcim, powiat Oświęcimski, województwo Małopolskie, Polska  

Event Note

Yaacov (Jacki) Handeli and his family were deported to Poland, with some 85 people crammed into each wagon.

Event Note

When they arrived at Auschwitz, they were sent to the first selektion. Jacki Handeli, and his brothers Yehuda and Shmuel, saw their parents and sisters for the last time.
They were taken immediately to work at different tasks in the camp.
After his two brothers perished, Jacki Handeli was taken under the wing of Salonika boxer, Jaco Razon, who helped him survive the conditions in the camp.

Event Note

In January, 1945, Jacki Handeli and he prisoners were sent on a death march on snow-covered roads to the Gleiwitz camp.
From there, they were transported to Dora-Mittelbau in open coal trucks, and then, to BergenBelsen, where they remained until liberation by
the British.

Camp   Bergen-Belsen Konzentrationslager, Bergen, landkreis Celle, Niedersachsen, Deutschland  

Boat 1947    

Military Service 1948 מח"ל מתנדבי חוץ לארץ ‎Machal Volunteers from Abroad Yaacov 'Jacki' Handel volunteered , and fought in the 1948 War of Independenc



    1. Handeli, Yaacov 'Jacki'