צידון Tzidon Tsiddon Zidon , Yoash 'Mati' 'Chato'

Birth Name צידון Tzidon Tsiddon Zidon , Yoash 'Mati' 'Chato' [1] [2]
Birth Name צידון, יואש
Also Known As צ'אטו
Call Name 'Chato'
Call Name יואש
Call Name צ'אטו
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth November 28, 1926 Focşani, judeţul Vrancea, Moldova, România  

Aliyah 1941   Yoash 'Chato' Tzidon left Romania

Education   חיפה Haifa, חיפה, ישראל Yoash 'Chato' Tzidon attended the Naval School

Military Service 1845 פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה  

Event Note

Yoash 'Chato' Tzidon served in the Gidonim and in the 4th Battalion.

Military Service   פלי“ם Palyam פלוגת הים‎, פלמ”ח, הגנה  

Boat March 17, 1946 תל חי Tel Hai אהובה Asya Ασια Asia Macedonia Μακεδονια Panormitis Πανορμιτης Zingara Τσιγγανα Ahuva Tel Hai תל חי Asya sailed from La Ciotat

Place Note

On March 17, 1946, Tel Hai תל חי Asya, the first Haapalah ship to sail from La Ciotat, a jewish community on the coast near Marseille, carried 736 passengers, including 195 French immigrants and 548 members of a youth movement from Belgium, carrying visas to South America.
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: Tel Hai תל חי Asya sailed from Sète.
Palmach Information Center cites: TTel Hai תל חי Asya, the first Haapalah boat to sail from a French port, sailed from a port near Marseille, carrying 736 passengers.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum cites: Tel Hai תל חי Asya sailed from Marseille, carrying 733 passenger.
Idith Zertal cites: Tel Hai תל חי Asya sailed from La Ciotat, carrying 743 passengers, including 548 Holocaust survivors from the DP Camps in Germany, 'both preparation of the ship and its launching were carried out, as noted, under the supervision and with the assistance of an agent of the French General Intelligence Services Renseignements généraux."
Ninian Stewart cites: Tel Hai תל חי Asya carried 733 passengers.
She had a German doctor on board, with two nurses working int the sick bay and dispensary.
She was crewed by three Greeks and nine Turks.
Tel Hai תל חי Asya sailed under the Turkish flag.

Event Note

Yoash 'Chato' Tzidon served as Gidoni גדעוני, wireless radio operator aboard Tel Hai.

Boat December 23, 1947 קוממיות Kommemiyut קיבוץ גלויות SS Kibbutz Galuyot פאן יורק El Dia Pan York Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות sailed from Constanţa for Palestine

Event Note

Gad Hilb served as Captain aboard Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות.
Gad Hilb cites: "Yosef (Yossi) Hamburger, the CEO of the operation involving these two ships, joined us. With him came the Palyamnik, Akiva Offenbach."
"On 15th August 1947 I was appointed captain of the “Pan York” with a crew consisting of 3 professional Israeli officers (me, Ephraim Tzuk and Werner Salomon). There were three other officers, six experienced Spanish seamen, and 7 American Jewish volunteers. There were also 3 men of the Mosad for Aliya Bet, Nissan Levitan, Reuven (Pupchen) Oren and Shlomo Hans Rosen."

Event Note

Nimrod Eshel served as Palyam Escort aboard Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות.

Event Note

Esteban 'Captain Steve' Hernandorena served as 1st Mate aboard Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות.

Event Note

Donald 'Donny' Aaron Molofsky served in the Catering Department aboard Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות.

Event Note

Akiva Offenbach served as Palyam Escort aboard Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות.

Event Note

In December, 1947, Willie Rostoker was appointed 3rd Mate by by the Captain, Gad Hilb, aboard Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות.

Event Note

Efraim Tzuk served as Chief Engineer abaord Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות.

Event Note

Irving Weingarten served as Senior Deckhand aboard Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות.

Event Note

Yoash 'Chato' Tzidon served as Palyam Escort aboard Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות.

Event Note

On August 15, 1947, Gad Hilb was appointed Captain of Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות, with a crew of 3 Israeli officers, Gad Hilb, Ephraim Tzuk as Chief Engineer, and Werner Salomon.
The crew also included three other officers, including Estaban Hernandorena "Captain Steve', six experienced Spanish seamen, 7 American Jewish volunteers, and 3 men from Mossad le'Aliyah Bet, Nissan Levitan, Palyam Commander and Shlomo Hans Rosen, and Palyamniks, Zalman Perach, Akiva Offenbach, Willie Rostoker, David Lowenthal, Irving Weingarten, and Gidonim, Reuven Oren and Malka Rofeh.

Event Note

On December 23, 1947, Dr. Harden Ashkenazy sailed on Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות. from Constanţa, for Palestine.

Event Note

On December 23, 1947, Eugene Herzberger, and his wife, Magda, and Magda's mother, a relative of Magda's helped arrange the voyage, sailed on Pan York Kibbutz Galuyot קיבוץ גלויות, from Constanţa, for Palestine.

Boat November 4, 1946 כנסת ישראל haTnuat haMeri haIvri Lochit Lochita Lohita Knesset Israel תנועת המרי העברי Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל sailed from Bakar to Haifa

Place Note

On November 4, 1946, Lohita Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל, along with MS Anastasia, sailed from Bakar, on a two-and-a-half week voyage, carrying 4,000 passengers.
Palyam.org cites Lohita Knesset Yisrael כנסת ישראל sailing on November 5, 1946, carrying 3,445 passengers.
Reuven Yatir cites: Lohita Knesset Yisrael כנסת ישראל carried 3,500 passengers and a small vessel, Saint, carried 500 passengers, but on their "way to the open sea the “Saint” ran into a small island and sank. We transferred her passengers to our vessel and continued our voyage in an orderly manner."
Benyamin Yerushalmi served as Commander aboard Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל.
Yossi Harel served as second-in-command aboard Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל.
Yoash Tzdon served as Gidoni, wireless radio operator, aboard Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל.
She sailed close to the Dalmatian coast.
Before she set sail, she had been given the name, תנועת המרי העברי Tnuat haMeri haIvri, the Hebrew Resistance Movement, and her captain told the passenger at muster, prior to sailing, that they should be accountable to her name.
The resistance group included 2,000 individuals, most from youth movements.
Her name was changed to Knesset Yisrael כנסת ישראל on orders from the Yishuv.

Event Note

Benyamin 'Ben' Yerushalmi served as Commander aboard Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל.
Reuven Yatir cites: a group of Maapilim he had trained in seamanship took over running of the ship, when they left the Aegean Sea and let the Greek crew go, and "They went back to Piraeus in a small boat, together with Ben Yerushalmi."

Event Note

Yoash 'Chato' Tzidon served as Palyam Escort מלווה and Gidoni גדעוני, wireless radio operator, aboard Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל.
He came to Bakar with the Maapilim, from the transit camp in Zagreb.

Event Note

Yossi Harel served as Second-in-Command aboard Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל.

Event Note

Reuven Hirsch Yatir served as Palyam Escort מלווה aboard Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל.

Event Note

Reuven Yatir cites "In November 1946, 4,000 mMaapilim arrived and Yoash Tzidon, the Gideoni (radio operator), came with them from the transit camp in Zagreb. Knesset Israel took on 3,500 Maapilim and a small vessel, the Saint, took the other 500."

Event Note

Jacob Berger, his wife, Klara, and daughter, Carmela, sailed for Palestine aboard Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל.

Event Note

Moshe Malkiel, age 17 years, sailed for Palestine aboard Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל.

Event Note

Matilda and Pnina Wiesel sailed for Palestine aboard Knesset Israel כנסת ישראל.

Camp   Καράολος Gazimagusa Karakol Karaolos Internment Camps 55-62, Mağusa bölgesi, Κύπρος Kıbrıs  

Event Note

At the end of January, 1947, Yoash Tzidon replaced Aryeh Kippy Kaplan as commander of the defense of the Detention Camps on Cyprus.

Military Service   חיל האוויר הישראלי זרוע האוויר והחלל IAF Israeli Air Force,צבא הגנה לישראל Yoash 'Chato' Tzidon served as a Combat Pilot

Event Note

Yoash 'Chato' Tzidon became a test pilot, flight trainer, squadron commander and a deputy Air Force base commander.

Event Note

Before being demobilised in 1966, Yoash Tzidon became head of the Weapons Systems and Planning in the Air Force,




Yoash Tzidon

Source References

  1. ביום בליל בערפל
  2. Yoash Tzidon
  3. השערים פתוחים The Gates are Open, Collection of Memories of Clandestine Immigration 1945-1948
    1. Page: 418
  4. Britain’s Naval and Political Reaction to the Illegal Immigration of Jews to Palestine, 1945-1948


    1. צידון Tzidon Tsiddon Zidon , Yoash 'Mati' 'Chato'