דר Dar, Avraham Abraham ben Chaim

Birth Name דר Dar, Avraham Abraham ben Chaim [1a]
Birth Name דר, אברהם בן חיים
Birth Name Darling, John

    Avraham Dar used the cover name 'John Darling', a British citizen from Gibraltar, while working undercover for Unit יחידה 131, in Egypt.

Call Name Avraham
Call Name אברהם
Call Name John
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth August 28, 1925 ירושלים Jerusalem, הרי יהודה, ישראל  

Event Note

Avraham Dar's father was born in Jerusalem ירושלים and so were his grandmother and grandfather.
His family moved to Haifa חיפה, and Avraham joined the Zebulon זבולון youth movement marine group and completed a course in wireless radio transmission.

Event Note

in 1942, Avraham Dar, age 17 years, graduated from high school, and volunteered for service in the Royal Navy, but he was not called up because of his age.

Military Service September, 1942 פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה  

Event Note

Avraham Dar served in D Company and in the 4th Battalion.

Military Action January, 1943   Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 1 Seamanship course קורס הראשון

Event Note

A notice was posted on the bulletin board asking for volunteers for the First Palyam Sea Nautical training course, (from January to March 1943, held at Caesarea קיסריה.
Those who applied went to Haifa to be interviewed by the acceptance committee.
The course was financed by the Mossad leAliyah Bet, who wanted trained personnel to bring over ships of immigrants.

Event Note

The Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 1 Sea course, in January, 1943:
Course Commander:
* Yankale Salomon
* Shmuel Tankus
* Dov 'Berchik' Magen
* Moka Limon
* Avraham Zakai
* Yisrael Auerbach
* Avraham Dar
* Moshe Shturman
* Moshe Erez
* Zemi from Hulata
* Zalman Perach
* Itche
The boats that were sailed were: Dov, Rivka, and Tirza.

Event Note

At the beginning of 1943, Avraham Dar was sent to the first Palyam פלי"ם Sea course in Caesarea קיסריה, where he met Zalman Perach.

Military Service 1943 פלי“ם Palyam פלוגת הים‎, פלמ”ח, הגנה  

Military Service June, 1945 Merchant Navy, United Kingdom  

Boat 1946   Berl Katznelson ברל כצנלסון דמטריוס was prepared for her voyage at Lavrion Λαύριο

Event Note

In 1946, Avraham Dar joined the members of Mossad leAliyah Bet 'מוסד לעלייה ב, and worked on preparing Berl Katznelson ברל כצנלסון דמטריוס to carry Maapilim to Palestine.

Residence 1949 כפר יהושע Kfar Yehoshua, עמק יזרעאל, הצפו, ישראל  

Military Service   יחידה 131 Unit, חיל המודיעין.  



Father דר Dar, Haim

Source References

  1. השערים פתוחים The Gates are Open, Collection of Memories of Clandestine Immigration 1945-1948
    1. Page: 192


  1. דר Dar, Haim
    1. דר Dar, Avraham Abraham ben Chaim
