שני Shani, Mattityahu Mathitiahu

Birth Name שני Shani, Mattityahu Mathitiahu
Birth Name שני, מתתיהו

    Mattathias מתתיהו means a Gift of God, in Hebrew.
    The English version is Matthew or Matthias.
    Mattathias מתתיהו, son of Yohannan, grandson of Simeon, the Hasmonean, and great-grandson of Asmon or Hasmonaeus, from a rural priestly family from Modiin, was the father of Judah and the Maccabees.
    * Matitiyahu
    * מתיתיהו
    * Matithyahu
    * Mathitiahu
    * Matisyahu
    * Matthias
    * Mathew
    * Matt
    * Matty

Call Name Mattityahu
Call Name מתתיהו
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources

Military Service   פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה  

Military Service   פלי“ם Palyam פלוגת הים‎, פלמ”ח, הגנה  



    1. שני Shani, Mattityahu Mathitiahu