Cherki, Aïzer

Birth Name Cherki, Aïzer [1]
Birth Name שרקי, עזר
Call Name עזר
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1893 المدي Médéa, ولاية المدي, الجزائ  

Marriage     Aïzer Cherki married Delphine

Membership 1949   Aïzer Cherki served as President of the Zionist Federation of Algeria until 1954

Military Service   מוסד לעלייה ב' Mossad leAliyah Bet Aïzer Cherki is credited with organizing Aliyah Bet activities in Algeria

Event Note

From 1947 to 1948, thousands of Jews from southern Algeria and Morocco travelled to Algiers, where they were transported by boat to Marseilles and on to Palestine.
Aïzer Cherki served as President of l'Association d'études d'aide et d'assistance, and his home served as a base for these Maapilim.



Unknown Partner
  1. Cherki, Jeanine Judith Esther bat Aïzer
  2. Cherki, Chaim Hayem ben Aïzer

Source References

  1. Aïzer Cherki, Récit d'une Vie


    1. Cherki, Aïzer
      1. [['
          ', ['
        1. ', ['', u'Cherki, Chaim Hayem ben A\xefzer', ''], '
        2. '], ['
        3. ', ['', u'Cherki, Jeanine Judith Esther bat A\xefzer', ''], '
        4. '], '