Паёковіч פייקוביץ Paicovich, Reuven ben Yehoshuah Zvi

Birth Name Паёковіч פייקוביץ Paicovich, Reuven ben Yehoshuah Zvi
Birth Name Паёковіч, Рувин
Birth Name פייקוביץ', ראובן
Call Name Рувин
Call Name ראובן
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1873 Гро́дна Hrodna Grodno, Белару́сь  

Marriage 1894   Reuven Paicovich married Chaya Ethel bat Reb Alter Schwartz

Event Note

Anita Shapira cites Reuven Paicovich as not being an observant Jew, while his wife, Chaya, was highly devout, keeping a kosher home, observing Shabbat and holidays, and lighting candles.

Residence   ראש פינה Rosh Pinna, גליל העליון, הצפון, ישראל  

Boat     Reuven Paicovich sailed from Marseilles to New York

Event Note

After two years living in New York's Lower East Side, Reuven Paicovich returned to Palestine.
And he settled on ICA leasehold at Mesha (Kfar Tavor).

Residence November, 1908 أم جبل Um'Jabal Reuven Paicovich signed an agreement with ICA and became a tenant farmer

Event Note

The contract Reuven Paicovich signed with ICA stipulated that only Jews could be hired, permitting no Arab labor.
But Reuven Paicovich continued to use local Arab labor.
His name does not appear on any list of farmers using Jewish laborers.
Anita Shapira cites Reuven Paicovich considering his harats as part of his household, and when the need arose, the harat's wife nursed his son.

Military Service     Reuven, Moshe and Mordekhai Paicovich were called up to fight in the Ottoman Army

Event Note

In 1917, Reuven and Mordekhai Paicovich, soldiers in the Ottoman Army, deserted and snuck home.

Event Note

Moshe Paicovich was made an officer in the Ottoman Army.



Father Паёковіч פייקוביץ Paicovich, Yehoshuah Zvi
Mother , Rachel
  1. Паёковіч Paicovich, Shmuel ben Yehoshua Zvi


Married Wife Schwartz, Chaya Ethel bat Reb Alter
  1. פייקוביץ' Paicovich, Deborah
  2. אלון Allon Alon פייקוביץ' Feikovitz Paicovich, Yigal Igal ben Reuven
  3. פייקוביץ' Paicovich, Moshe
  4. פייקוביץ' Paicovich, Mordekhai

Source References

  1. Yigal Allon, Native Son: A Biography (Jewish Culture and Contexts)
    1. Page: 11


  1. Паёковіч פייקוביץ Paicovich, Yehoshuah Zvi
    1. , Rachel
      1. Паёковіч Paicovich, Shmuel ben Yehoshua Zvi
      2. Паёковіч פייקוביץ Paicovich, Reuven ben Yehoshuah Zvi
        1. [['
        2. ', ['', u'Schwartz, Chaya Ethel bat Reb Alter', ''], ['
            ', ['
          1. ', ['', u"\u05e4\u05d9\u05d9\u05e7\u05d5\u05d1\u05d9\u05e5' Paicovich, Moshe", ''], '
          2. '], ['
          3. ', ['', u"\u05e4\u05d9\u05d9\u05e7\u05d5\u05d1\u05d9\u05e5' Paicovich, Mordekhai", ''], '
          4. '], ['
          5. ', ['', u"\u05d0\u05dc\u05d5\u05df Allon Alon \u05e4\u05d9\u05d9\u05e7\u05d5\u05d1\u05d9\u05e5' Feikovitz Paicovich, Yigal Igal ben Reuven", ''], '
          6. '], ['
          7. ', ['', u"\u05e4\u05d9\u05d9\u05e7\u05d5\u05d1\u05d9\u05e5' Paicovich, Deborah", ''], '
          8. '], '
          '], '
        3. ']]
