Kave, Hercel

Birth Name Kave, Hercel
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources

Camp   Siedlce, województwo Mazowieckie, Polska  

Place Note

On October 10, 1939, Siedlce was occupied by German troops.
On November 15, 1939, the Germans began to arrest Jews.
The following day they were marched to Wegrow, where, 50 of those arrested escaped from the market square, including Hercel Kave and his father.
The Jewish prisoners were marched to Ostroleka.


Place Note

Some people tried to escape on trains carrying wounded Italian soldiers, which stopped at the railway station in Siedlce.
In 1942, Hercel Kave, with Liwerant and Nelkienbojm, successfully escaped to Italy, where they survived the war, and emigrated to Israel.



    1. Kave, Hercel