שריג Weissfish Sarig, Nahum 'Sergei' ben Shraga

Birth Name שריג Weissfish Sarig, Nahum 'Sergei' ben Shraga
Also Known As שריג, נחום בן שרגא
Birth Name Weissfish, Nahum ben Shraga
Call Name 'Sergei'
Call Name נחום
Call Name Nahum
Gender male
Age at Death 85 years, 8 months, 2 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth November 25, 1913 ירושלים Jerusalem, הרי יהודה, ישראל Nahum Sarig was born on ז' בכסלו תרע"ה

Event Note

Palmach Information Center cites Nahum Vaispish Sarig bein born on November 25, 1914, in Jerusalem ירושלים.

Education   בית הספר תחכמוני Tachmoni School, ירושלים, ישראל  

Military Service 1941 פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה Nahum Weissfish Sarig was drafted, and served under the command of Yigal Alon

Event Note

Nahum Weissfish Sarig served in the Negev Brigade חטיבת הנגב‎, A Company, and in the 1st Battalion.

Event Note

Nahum Sarig, Dan Lener and Ithiel Amichai served as Commanders of the 1st Battalion of the Palmach פלמ"ח.
Nahum Sarig commanded the Negev for 2 months, prior to approval by high command, before establishment of the Negev Brigade חטיבת הנגב‎.
Nahum Sarig, appointed by Yigal Alon andd Gailili, was authorized establishment of brigade command, and assume command, as he was already commanding officer, but David Ben-Gurion campaigned to severe the Palmach פלמ"ח national command ties to its Negev units, and to replace Nahum Sarig, who was associated with MAPAM מפ"ם‎, and kibbutz Beit-haShita קיבוץ בית השיטה, one of the Tebenkin kibbutzim that rejected Ben-Gurion, with his own choice.

Event Note

Nahum Sarig was appointed Commander of the Palmach פלמ"ח's 4th Battalion, Special Units headquarters of the Palmach פלמ"ח.

Military Action October 10, 1945 מחנה המעצר בעתלית Atlit Detention Camp ,עתלית Atlit, חוף הכרמל, חיפה, ישראל Palmach פלמ"ח raided Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית and freed 208 Maapilim

Place Note

On October 10, 1945, Nahum Sarig and Yitzhak Rabin led the 1st Company of the Palmach פלמ"ח in a military operation, breaking into the Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית, and freeing the 208 detainees.
Sara Yoheved Rigler cites: "At 1 AM on the night of October 9, 1945, two platoons of the Palmach (the elite strike force of the Hagana), led by Nachum Sarig, cut the barbed wire fences on the north end of the camp. Some Palmach fighters stealthily climbed the watch towers and knocked out, tied, and gagged the guards. Others woke up the sleeping prisoners, whose belongings were already packed."
Zehava Yariv cites 210-220 Maapilim at Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית, who, according to rumor, were not going to be given certificates, and would be sent somewhere outside Palestine.
Yitzhak Rabin planned the raid, Nachum Sarig commanded the operation, and Yoske Yariv was among the leaders of the operation.
The main group of Palmach פלמ"ח went from Yagur קיבוץ יגור to Beit Oren קיבוץ בית אורן, then down the Carmel to Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית, where several men had already prepared the Maapilim, and would overpower the guards on watch.
Yitzhak Rabin and Nachum Sarig went with the Maapilim to Yagur קיבוץ יגור, while Yoske Yariv and the rest of the platoon stayed to clean up.
This signaled the beginning of the armed struggle of the Palmach פלמ"ח against the British, which contined until the summer of 1947.
In response, the British began deportion of Maapilim to internment camps in Cyprus Κύπρος, that operated from 1946 through the establishment of the State of Israel ישראל, in 1948.

Event Note

On October 10, 1945, Joseph Bauminger was one of the 208 detainees freed from he Atlit Detention Camp מחנה המעצר בעתלית by the Palmach פלמ"ח.

Event Note

Avraham 'Bren' Adan cites: “With all the tension and excitement that was in the air, I recall so distinctly the coolness with which Yoske gave his orders. As it turns out, whenever I recall the “Atlit Operation”, I recall that it was Yoske, the first Palmachnik who shot at a soldier of the British Army, and who coolly led his squad from spearhead position in attack, to cleanup position at the conclusion of the mission.”

Marriage     Nahum Sarig married Tikvah Zeliger

Membership   קיבוץ בית השיטה kibbutz Beit haShita, עמק חרוד, הגלבוע, עמק יזרעאל, הצפון, ישראל  

Military Service   חטיבת הנגב HaNegev Brigade, צה"ל  

Military Action December 22, 1948 מבצע חורב Operation Horev, מלחמת העצמאות (1948) Operation Horev מבצע חורב was an Israeli military operation against the Egyptian army in the Western Negev

Event Note

The Israeli raids during Operation Horev מבצע חורב into the Auja al-Hafir عوجة الحفير Nitzana ניצנה‎‎ and the Sinai סיני peninsula forced the Egyptian army to withdraw, and accept a cease-fire, under which the Israeli troops withdrew from Sinai סיני and Gaza غزة‎ under international pressure.

Military Action May 29, 1948   Operation Pleshet מבצע פלשת, from May 29 to June 3, 1948, was a IDF operation against Egyptian troops in the Isdud اسدود‎/Ad Halom גשר עד הלום area

Military Action March 5, 1949 מבצע עובדה Operation Ovda, מלחמת העצמאות (1948) Operation Ovda מבצע עובדה, from March 5 to March 10, 1949. was the last campaign by the IDF to capture the southern Negev הנגב, claimed by Jordan الأردن

Event Note

Nahum Sarig, Commander of the Negev Brigade חטיבת הנגב‎, ordered the making of the improvised flag, the Ink Flag דגל הדיו‎, when it was discovered that the Brigade did not have an Israeli flag on hand.

Death July 27, 1999    

Burial   קיבוץ בית השיטה kibbutz Beit haShita, עמק חרוד, הגלבוע, עמק יזרעאל, הצפון, ישראל  



Father Freidman Weissfish, Shraga Feivel
Mother , Yocheved 'Yoche'


Married Wife זלינגר Zeliger, Tikvah bat Yosef
  1. שריג Sarig, Ran ben Nahum
  2. שריג Sarig, Ruth bat Nahum
  3. שריג Sarig, Yosef ben Nahum


Source References

  1. History of the War of Independence: The first month
    1. Page: 313, Volume 2


  1. Freidman Weissfish, Shraga Feivel
    1. , Yocheved 'Yoche'
      1. שריג Weissfish Sarig, Nahum 'Sergei' ben Shraga
        1. [['
        2. ', ['', u'\u05d6\u05dc\u05d9\u05e0\u05d2\u05e8 Zeliger, Tikvah bat Yosef', ''], ['
            ', ['
          1. ', ['', u'\u05e9\u05e8\u05d9\u05d2 Sarig, Ran ben Nahum', ''], '
          2. '], ['
          3. ', ['', u'\u05e9\u05e8\u05d9\u05d2 Sarig, Ruth bat Nahum', ''], '
          4. '], ['
          5. ', ['', u'\u05e9\u05e8\u05d9\u05d2 Sarig, Yosef ben Nahum', ''], '
          6. '], '
          '], '
        3. ']]
