Truman, Harry S.

Birth Name Truman, Harry S.
Call Name Harry
Gender male


Pillar of Fire - Part 6 1/6 Exodus (1945-1947)


President Harry S. Truman, following the Harrison Report, which was released to newspapers on September 30, 1945, called for major changes to the treatment of Jews in the DP camps. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, complying with President Truman’s request, implemented changes in the camps, making them more humanitarian.
Jews became a separate group in the camps, so Polish Jews no longer had to live with other Poles, and German Jews no longer had to live with Germans, who, in some cases were operatives or even guards in the concentration camps.
DP camps were established throughout Europe, and those in Italy served as congregation points for refugees fleeing to Palestine.
When conditions in the camps improved and all-Jewish DP camps had been, he closing of concentration camps, the care of DPs was transferred to UNRRA.


    1. Truman, Harry S.