Kolsky, Michel

Birth Name Kolsky, Michel
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth   Ciechanowiec, powiat Wysokomazowiecki, województwo Podlaskie, Polska  

Membership   בית"ר Beitar Betar ברית תרומפלדור Brit Trumpeldor  

Event Note

Tuvia Peretz cites: "I was elected Vice Chairman of Betar. I organized meetings and devoted myself to our educational program."

Event Note

Tuvia Peretz cites: Five members of the Ciechanowiec Betar enrolled for Aliyah:
* Tuvia Peretz
* Reuven Ptashek
* Michel Kolsky
* Nevenshtern, Chaya Matl's fiancé
* Shlomo Zlotolow

Boat July 13, 1939 פאריטה City of Cork, Merrannio Bute SS Parita SS Parita פאריטה sailed from Constanţa

Place Note

On July 13, 1939, SS Parita פאריטה sailed from Constanţa Galatz, organized by Betar and Revisionists. carrying 850 passengers, 540 of them, Betar members from Poland and Romania.
Zionism-Israel.com cites SS Parita פאריטה carried 856 passengers.
Maurice Tiefenbrunner cites he boarded SS Parita פאריטה at Marseille, and 950 passengers boarded in Romania.
Michael Zalampas cites SS Parita פאריטה carried 875 passenger.
Rafael Medoff cites SS Parita פאריטה "brought 600 half-starved immigrants to Palestine after an eight-week journey."
Martin Sugarman cites: SS Parita carried "950 Jewish refugees on a vessel meant to carry 250!"
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: on June 26, 1939, Bute sailed from Sète, carrying 80, and was renamed Parita; she arrived at Constanţa, and on July 13, 1939, Parita sailed from Constanţa , carrying 850 passengers, including 540 Betar members.
Jürgen Rohwer cites: Menachem Begin and Mordekai Katz organized the transportion for 400 Betarim and 200 Maapilim from Warszawa, in a sealed train to Constanţa. ; in addition, another 120 Maapilim from Romania, so that SS Parita פאריטה carried 800 passengers (including the 80 passengers who boarded in Marseille).

Event Note

Eliahu Ben-Horin played an important role in facilitating the sailing of SS Parita פאריטה.

Event Note

On July 7, 1939, Tuvia Peretz left Ciechanowiec for Czyzewo, and then took the train to Warszawa.
Tuvia Peretz cites: "I arrived in Warsaw and went to 5 Havatzimska Street. That was the Emigrants Hotel, the meeting place for Polish Jews going to the Holy Land. There were about 500 of us and 300 more from Roumania and France were to join us soon. We waited four long days in anxious anticipation."
From Warszawa, Tuvia and his group went to Shniatim, on the Poland Rumania border, where they were joined by 300 other Maaplim.
"We were told that from Shniatim we would proceed to Constanta, a port on the Black Sea. It would then be a two-week sea voyage to Israel."
"The order came, “Everyone carry your own baggage. We are walking to the port area." We were in a surging crowd walking to the dock. Among us were 300 Jews from France and Roumania. Far off, we could see the Prita, the ship that awaited us."

Event Note

On July 13, 1939, Shlomo Zlotolow sailed on SS Parita from Constanţa.

Event Note

On July 13, 1939, Michel Kolsky sailed on SS Parita from Constanţa.

Event Note

Maurice 'Monju' Tiefenbrunner contacted his brother, Philip, who lived in Belgium.
Maurice 'Monju' Tiefenbrunner cites: "He had contacts with a Belgian consul in Holland and promised to try and get me a visa to Belgium. I immediately sent him my passport and he actually succeeded in obtaining this precious visa. He returned my passport, which reached me a day before its expiry."
Martin Sugarmen cites: "A brother in Antwerp managed to obtain papers for Maurice (Tiefenbrunner) to enter Belgium, which he achieved with hair-raising adventures via Warsaw, Prague and Rotterdam. From Antwerp, he contacted Jewish agents of the Irgun, illegally transporting Jewish refugees into British Palestine (Israel). Via Paris and Marseilles, he made it to a ship with a group of 20 others."
"After 70 days instead of the intended 10, of wanderings, touching Rhodes, Smyrna and other ports, and begging for food from passing liners (including 20 bottles of beer from one passing cruise ship), his group took over the ship from the Greek crew, hoisted the Israeli flag and then beached the vessel on the sea front of Tel-Aviv on Aug 22nd 1939. It was a Friday night and thousands of Tel-Avivans came out to greet them with food. Then they were promptly interned at Sarafand Army camp by the British! Two weeks later war broke out and Maurice was consequently made a "legal" citizen as an amnesty was declared. "

Event Note

Maurice 'Monju' Tiefenbrunner made it to Marseille.
Maurice 'Monju' Tiefenbrunner cites: "We were to buy tickets on a pleasure boat, which was making trips around the Marseilles harbour. Some of the crews on these boats were bribed to take us to our ship, which was docked outside French waters. In the evening we bought our tickets; and after some cruising around in the dark, we were taken to our ship. When everyone had arrived, we were only 80 people. On board, we were told why we had been kept waiting so long. A group of 180 people, coming from Switzerland, were to join us. Unfortunately, this group did not make it; they were turned back. This ship was meant to take about 250 people and naturally 80 of us could not possibly bear the cost of the passage. So our organisers communicated with a group who were waiting in Romania, and they would join us in Constanza.
We finally left the shores of France on June 10th 1939."



    1. Kolsky, Michel