גלילי Кривошеин Kriboshein Krivoshein Galili, Moses Moshe

Birth Name גלילי Кривошеин Kriboshein Krivoshein Galili, Moses Moshe
Birth Name Кривошеин, Моше
Birth Name גלילי, משה
Call Name Moshe
Call Name Моше
Call Name משה
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources

Membership   בית"ר Beitar Betar ברית תרומפלדור Brit Trumpeldor  

Education 1936   Moshe Kriboshein Galili studied in Italy

Boat March, 1937 Κώστα Kosta Kosta Κώστα sailed from Piraeus Πειραιάς

Event Note

Jürgen Rohwer cites: "A young Jewish businessman, Moses Krivoshein (Moshe Galili), who had personal connections to Greek smugglers had offered to the representatives of the Revisionist movement and the "Betar" in Vienna."
"Galili took 16 Jews from Vienna by train to Athens, from where they sailed aboard the Greek motorboat KOSTA to Palestine, and went ashore unnoticed near Haifa."

Boat September 15, 1937 אף על פי כן TLC 147 Michael Parma Farida Af Al Pi Chen Af-Al-Pi Chen sailed from Formia for Haifa

Event Note

Moshe Kriboshein Galili, with help of the leaders of the Revisionist Zionist Organization in Wien, organized a small, 50-ton vessel.
William Perl cites: when the boat approached the Haifa חיפה shoreline, "Moses Krivoshein leaped into the ocean and swam ashore, while the boat waited in the silent waters."
"There had been no prior arrangements in Palestine. In the middle of the night, Krivoshein, soaking wet, knocked at the doors of the Jewish settlers in nearby houses, and whisperes, "We have escapees from Hitler! They are offshore! Come and help us!""

Event Note

Until June, 1938, Moshe Galili continued to work in "illegal immigration", bringing in over 550 Maapilim.

Event Note

On September 15, 1937, Betty Fiedler sailed on Af-Al-Pi-Chen from Formia for Haifa.
The Jewish Virtual Library cites: "A British collaborator, Betty Fiedler – a beautiful woman who mixed among the immigrants – charmed both passengers and crew while signaling British naval vessels with a flashlight and identifying crew members for British authorities to arrest, before "disappearing into the bulwarks" during disembarkment."
Yehoshua Ravid cites: "we had an olah with us named Betty Fiedler. She betrayed us and identified all the Israeli crew members, except me, to the British."
"A long time afterwards, when I was in Italy, I found out that her step-sister came to Kfar Gileadi and spent about 1½ years there. She went to Jerusalem and there contact was lost. Betty was also never heard of again."

Boat June, 1938 ארטימיסיה ארטימיזיה Kalmia Artemisia Ἀρτεμῑσίᾱ Artemisia Ἀρτεμῑσίᾱ ארטימיסיה sailed from Piraeus for Tantura

Place Note

In June, 1938, Artemisia Ἀρτεμῑσίᾱ ארטמיזיה sailed from Pireaus Πειραιάς on her fourth voyage, organized by Revisionists, carrying 386 passengers.
Raphael Ben Yehuda cites: "The sailors, who were Spanish communists and veterans of the civil war, looked upon us as fascists."
This was the first transport organized by William Perl in Wien.

Event Note

Asher Ben Natan cites: "On June 6, 1938, I bade farewell to my parents and my sister, and set out on my journey...Our group, which numbered 40 members, joined with a group of hundreds of Jews, most of whom were members of Betar, and some were ultra-orthodox adults from Burgenland. After a train journey via Yugoslavia, which lasted almost 24 hours, we reached Pireaus. In Piraeus, waiting to sail, we were kept in a camp...We sailed after two weeks had elapsed, about 400 of us Jews on a decrepit Greek boat showing a Panamanian flag. The ship was crowded and filthy, and our food consisted only of dry rusks, sardines and olives, but we were young and our spirits were high."
"We were dropped off at Tantura, near Zichron Yaakov, about 30 meters from the beach, which we traversed on foot...We saw that some young men were galloping on horses along the coast. Later we found out that these were Etzel people, whose task was to ensure our safety. We were brought by bus to Tel Aviv and dropped off in the center of the city."

Event Note

Asher Ben Natan cites: "As we neared the coast of Palestine, Moshe Krivshin, who called himself Moshe Galili, took over command of the ship and sported an impressive uniform of an entirely fictitious Italian admiral."

Event Note

In June, 1938, Raphael Ben Yehuda sailed on Artemisia, from Piraeus to Tantura.

Military Service   אצ"ל ארגון צבאי לאומי ITzL Irgun Tzvi Leumi  

Event Note

David Cesarani cites: "They identified two known Irgun operatives who had arrived in Genoa on 22 October from Haifa. The first was Moshe Krivoshein (Moshe Galili), an Irgun veteran who had organized illegal immigration on the eve of the war. He was apprehended boarding a flight from Rome to Athens on 12 November and taken into custody by the Italian police."


Source References

  1. Major Farran’s hat: the untold story of the struggle to establish the Jewish state
    1. Page: 48


    1. גלילי Кривошеин Kriboshein Krivoshein Galili, Moses Moshe