אדם (Zafransky Adam), Munya (Melech)

Birth Name אדם (Zafransky Adam), Munya (Melech) [1a] [2]
Birth Name Zafransky, Munia (Melech)
Also Known As אדם, מוניה
Call Name Munia
Call Name Munia
Call Name מוניה
Gender male
Age at Death 85 years, 1 month, 21 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth June 6, 1915    

Membership   השומר הצעיר ‎haShomer haTzair  

Membership   גורדוניה Gordonia  

Education   Chişinău Kishinev, Basarabia, Moldova Munia Zafransky studied electricity and mechanics at theTechnicum

Boat 1935   Munia Zafransky sailed from Constanta

Event Note

On March 7, 1935, Munia Zafransky landed at Haifa.

Aliyah 1935   Munia Zafransky received agricultural training, and was chosen by Hechalutz

Residence March, 1935 קיבוץ כפר החורשׁ kibbutz Kfar HaHoresh, עמק יזרעאל, הצפון, ישראל Munia Adam stayed for 6 months

Military Service 1936 הגנה Haganah  

Event Note

Munia Adam was one of the first radio operators of the Haganah.
He built the first radio stations in the חומה ומגדלTower & Stockade settlements, and for various Haganah units.
He set up the communication systems for the first vessels of the Maapilim.

Event Note

Munia Adam became the chief technician and instructor in the communications department of the Haganah.

Event Note

In 1937, Munia Adam participated in the first course in wireless communication of the Haganah, in Tel Aviv.
He built receivers and transmitters according to the technical data that he learned from books.

Event Note

By 1939, Munia Adam had built 36 stations throughout the country, as per order of the national headquarters of the Haganah.
He went with the Tower and Stockade settlers, and set up the station, while they were busy with their details of settlement, such as Kfar Menachem, Hanita, Shamir and Tirat Tzvi.

Military Service 1938 מוסד לעלייה ב' Mossad leAliyah Bet  

Event Note

Munia Adam was personally involved in the sailings of 13 vessels; several of which sailed more than once.
The first vessel was Poseidon B, in May,1938, and the last was Tiger Hill, in August, 1939.
Then Mossad leAliyah Bet cut its connection with the Haganah for logistic reasons.
Munia Adam kept a complete record of how and what he did on all of the ships that he handled and in his book, with details of
his work.
Munia Adam described how they would leave for ships in the darkness of night, and perform diverse and misleading moves to make certain that they were not being followed; tThey used music and songs and other tricks to initiate contact or to warn of contact etc.


Event Note

Palyam.org cites "When Charles de Gaulle and his men set up the Free French underground radio station, Munia was the one who set up the station for them, as recommended by the Jewish Agency.
The first year that the station began broadcasting, it did so from Haifa and it was Jews who ran the station."

Event Note

In 1940, Munia Adam was involved in the building of the radio station Kol Israel Voice of Israel.; the technical part of setting up the station was his department, and it was set up the station in Tel Aviv; it was an underground station,and so secret, that he
was forced to give up contact with all of his friends.

Death July 27, 2000    



Source References

  1. השערים פתוחים The Gates are Open, Collection of Memories of Clandestine Immigration 1945-1948
    1. Page: 42
  2. קשר אמיץ


    1. אדם (Zafransky Adam), Munya (Melech)