We Only Know Men, The Rescue of Jews in France during the Holocaust

Author Patrick Gerard Henry
Publication information The Catholic University of America (CUA) Press, 2007, Washington, 192 pages
Abbreviation ISBN 0813214939



Patrick Henry worked with more than one thousand unpublished autobiographical pages written by key rescuers, and with documents, letters, and interviews never before available.
We only know men reconsiders the Holocaust rescue of Jews on the plateau of Vivarais-Lignon between 1939 and 1944.
Patrick Henry examined the general research of the last quarter century on rescue in that area of France, detailing the strengths and weaknesses of Philip Hallie's groundbreaking study Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed (1979) as they appear sixty years after World War II.
He highlighted the involvement of Catholics, Protestants, and Jews in the rescue mission, looking closely at the lives and work of two rescuers on the plateau: Daniel Trocme, and a Jewish mother of three, Madeleine Dreyfus, both of whom were arrested and deported.
Madeleine Dreyfus provides an example of a Jewish rescuer of Jews and raises the issues of so-called Jewish passivity during the Holocaust.
He also analyzed Albert Camus' chronicle, La Peste, written in large part during the fifteen months, from August 1942 until late 1943, he spent outside Le Chambon-sur-Lignon.
As an allegorical mirror, the text reflects both the violent and non-violent resistance taking place when and where Albert Camus composed his narrative.
Patrick Henry brought together his own findings, and those of others who have studied the rescuers throughout Europe in order to understand rescuer motivation and to show incontrovertibly why it is important not only to know about the victims and perpetrators of the Nazi genocide but to study and teach more widely about the rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust.


  1. Chouraqui, Nathan André ben Yitzhak (Isaac)
  2. Kahn, Madeleine
  3. Trocmé, André
  4. Trocmé, Daniel