Unknown, Shulamit

Birth Name Unknown, Shulamit
Birth Name Unknown, שולמית
  • Shulamith, Shulamit שולמית, is the feminine form of Solomon, Shlomo שלמה, related to the word shalom שלום, meaning "peace"
Name שולמית
Gender female


Type Date Place Description Notes
Birth June 9, 1970      


_UID 1A048913DE53D61183B10050FC247D685B7C


Unknown Partner Amsel, Allan
  _UID 1B048913DE53D61183B10050FC247D685C8C
  1. Amsel, Atara Rachel
  2. Amsel, Shlomo Tzvi
  3. Amsel, Adina Sarah
  4. Amsel, Joey Maurice
  5. Amsel, Ikey Mordechai
  6. Amsel, Elisheva Mazal


  1. Unknown, Shulamit
    1. Amsel, Allan
      1. Amsel, Atara Rachel
      2. Amsel, Shlomo Tzvi
      3. Amsel, Adina Sarah
      4. Amsel, Joey Maurice
      5. Amsel, Ikey Mordechai
      6. Amsel, Elisheva Mazal