Wertheim, Anatol

Birth Name Wertheim, Anatol
Gender male


Type Date Place Description Notes
  1. In 1939, Anatol Wertheim, a Polish Jew, fled to the USSR. He was later incarcerated in the Stolpce ghetto. He escpaed and joined the the Zorin partisans.
  2. Anatol Wertheim served as aide-de-camp for Semen (Semion, Shimon, Shalom) Zorin, a Soviet-Jewish partisan leader.

Source References

  1. The Jewish Partisans in Belarus - Zydowska partyzantka na Bialorusi
  2. A Tangled Web, Polish-Jewish Relations in Wartime Northeastern Poland and the Aftermath
    1. Date: 2008


  1. Wertheim, Anatol