Brecker, Michael

Birth Name Brecker, Michael
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources

Military Service   מח"ל מתנדבי חוץ לארץ ‎Machal Volunteers from Abroad  

Event Note

Michael Brecker cites: "Initially, the Jewish Agency officials in London weren't interested in enlisting anyone who had not had WW II experience, despite my enthusiasm and my claim to have led a group in basic cadet training, with efforts to make Molotov cocktails bombs that actually never went off. However, a Major Weiser had formed a Hebrew Legion with right wing connections, and they were sending groups of volunteers to Israel."

Event Note

Michael Brecker was a member of the group smuggled into the American zone of Germany to Heidenheim, near Stuttgart, and sent to an ex-SS army training camp.
Michael Brecker cites: "A later group was stopped by U.S. MPs, but on another occasion early in 1948 a sympathetic officer turned a blind eye. We had indoctrination lectures, basic military training and drill, joined by survivors including some young girls and a labor detail from the camps; they were tough Betar supporters, belonging to the right wing youth organization steeped in the philosophy of Jabotinsky, an ex-British army officer who had led an aggressive force of Jews in WW I."

Boat   אלטלנה USS LST-138 Altalena  



Attribute/ Type Value Notes Sources
Army Number 92596



    1. Brecker, Michael