Kerber, Leibl

Birth Name Kerber, Leibl
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Occupation   Gąbin Gombin, powiat Płocki, województwo Mazowieckie, Polska Leibl Kerber was the owner of a leather-processing factory

Death 1941    

Event Note

Leibl Kerber became ill, his leg had been badly infected (Erysipelas),
There were no medications to help, he became bedridden, and suffered for several weeks, before passing away.



Unknown Partner
  1. Kerber, Hanna bat Aryeh (Leibl)
  2. Kerber, Rachel bat Aryeh (Leibl)


    1. Kerber, Leibl
      1. [['
          ', ['
        1. ', ['', u'Kerber, Hanna bat Aryeh (Leibl)', ''], '
        2. '], ['
        3. ', ['', u'Kerber, Rachel bat Aryeh (Leibl)', ''], '
        4. '], '