Baird, Pierre P

Birth Name Baird, Pierre P [1a]
Call Name Pierre
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources

Military Service   מח"ל מתנדבי חוץ לארץ ‎Machal Volunteers from Abroad  

Boat August, 1947 גאולה SS Paducah Geula SS Paducah Geulah גאולה sailed from New York, via Bayonne, for refitting, and Horta, to Marseille

Place Note

In August, 1947, SS Paducah Geulah גאולה sailed from New York, via Bayonne, for refitting, and Horta, Faial Island, in the Azores, to Marseille.

Event Note

In August, 1947, Pierre P. Baird served as Chief Engineer aboard SS Paducah Geulah גאולה, when she sailed from New York to Marseille.
Bailey Nieder cites: "After our ship was boarded by the British navy and marines and towed into Haifa harbor, as the first refugees and most of the crew
were being transferred to the barges which could take them to the camps on Cyprus I was with the group that would be the last to be taken off the ship. Next to me was the chief engineer, Pierre Baird, who told me that he had been requested by the Hagana to hide in the firebox of the boiler and if I wished I could join him."

Event Note

In August, 1947, Kalametsov, a Russian-Israeli, served as Chief-Engineer aboard SS Paducah Geulah גאולה, when she sailed from New York to Marseille.
Aryeh Leon Malkin cites: "Kalametzov was looking for good pay and a bottle of vodka, and he was given both on the ship."

Event Note

In August, 1947, David Sturm served as Messman aboard SS Paducah Geulah גאולה, when she sailed from New York to Marseille.
He took over cooking after the steward died in Bayonne.


Source References

  1. The Jews' Secret Fleet: The Untold Story of North American Volunteers Who Smashed the British Blockade
    1. Page: 175
  2. Running the Palestine Blockade: The Last Voyage of the Paducah


    1. Baird, Pierre P