Ры́ков Rykov, Alexei Ivanovich

Birth Name Ры́ков Rykov, Alexei Ivanovich
Birth Name Ры́ков, Алексе́й Ива́нович
Call Name Alexei
Call Name Алексе́й
Gender male
Age at Death 57 years, 19 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth February 25, 1881 Сара́тов Saratov, Сара́товская о́бласть, Россия  

Death March 15, 1938    

Event Note

On March 13, 1938, at the Trial of the Twenty-One Третий Московский процесс, Alexei Rykov, Nicolai Bukharin, Nikolai Krestinsky, Christian Rakovsky, Genrikh Yagoda, and sixteen other Soviet officials were found guilty of treason (having plotted with Trotsky against Joseph Stalin, and sentenced to death by the Soviet Military Board.



Father Ры́ков Rykov, Ivan Illych


  1. Ры́ков Rykov, Ivan Illych
    1. Ры́ков Rykov, Alexei Ivanovich
