חטיבת הנגב HaNegev Brigade, צה"ל



Founded in March, 1948, the 12th Negev Brigade חטיבת הנגב‎ was an infantry brigade commanded by Nahum "Sergei" Sarig and called 'Sergei Brigade'.
The Negev Brigade founded a motorized raid battalion, the 10th Battalion, renamed the 9th Battalion.
Initially the battalion consisted of two jeep companies: * Raid Unit * Hayot Hanegev unit, which was transferred from the 2nd Battalion.


Yoske Ribkind served as Unit Commander, in the Negev Brigade חטיבת הנגב.


Shaul Biber served as deputy to Moshe Erling, Commander of the Negev Brigade חטיבת הנגב's Ninth Battalion Jeep Company.


  1. ביבר Biber, Shaul
  2. יריב Yariv Ribkind, Joseph 'Yoske' ben Yitzhak (Isaac)
  3. כרמי Carmi, Israel
  4. פרי Pearlson Perlson Perry Peri, Micha ben Eliezer
  5. שריג Weissfish Sarig, Nahum 'Sergei' ben Shraga