דותן Schacht Dotan, Alexander 'Alex'

Birth Name דותן Schacht Dotan, Alexander 'Alex'
Birth Name Schacht, Alexander 'Alex'
Also Known As דותן
Call Name 'Alex'
Call Name Alex
Gender male
Age at Death -1723 years, -9 months, -19 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1922    

Aliyah 1938   Alexleft Sambor at age 16 years

Education   בית ספר מקצועי תיכוני להנדסאים וטכנאים מוסמכים בסמ"ת BOSMAT Vocational School, חיפה, ישראל The BOSMAT בוסמת Vocational School replaced the Reali Technical School

Place Note

BOSMAT בסמ"ת is an acronym, בית ספר מקצועי תיכוני להנדסאים וטכנאים מוסמכים, for Technical Vocational School.

Place Note

In 1933, BOSMAT בסמ"ת opened, replacing the Reali Technical School, which prepared students for the Technion, as s 4 year vocational secondary school.

Place Note

In 1938, Dr. Shlomo Bardin founded the Marine High School in BOSMAT בסמ"ת, which undertook training for Palyam פלי"ם.

Military Service 1944 פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה  

Event Note

Alex Dotan served in F Company., and joined rthe Naval Company when it was formed.

Military Service 1945 פלי“ם Palyam פלוגת הים‎, פלמ”ח, הגנה  

Boat   עמוס MS Amos Alex Dotan served as an officer

Boat   עמל Amal Alex Dotan served as an officer

Military Service 1946 מוסד לעלייה ב' Mossad leAliyah Bet  

Event Note

In 1946, Alex Dotan was sent to France, where he was responsible for a camp of refugees near Marseille.

Boat 1947 מולדת ‎San Philippo San Felipe Homeland Moledet Alex Dotan served as Playam Escort

Event Note

On March 23, 1947, Moledet מולדת sailed from Metaponto, carrying 1,568 passengers.
Fabi Gaver served as Palyam Commander aboard Moledet מולדת.
Menachem Ben-Yami served as Gidoni , Wireless Radio Operator, aboard Moledet מולדת.
Alex Dotan Schecht, Gad Heilbrun and Aharon Shechtman served as Palyam Escorts aboard Moledet מולדת.
Palyamniks Yisrael Rotem and Avraham Riklis helped the passengers board.

Military Service   חיל הים הישראלי Israeli Navy, צה"ל Alex Dotan served until 1969, earning the rank of Commander of the Naval Shipyard

Death March 13, 198    



    1. דותן Schacht Dotan, Alexander 'Alex'