Найденов Naidenov Naydenov, Naiden Nayden

Birth Name Найденов Naidenov Naydenov, Naiden Nayden
Birth Name Найденов, Найден
Call Name Naiden
Call Name Найден
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources

Occupation   Варна Varna, oбласт Варна, България Captain Naiden Naidenov Найден Найденов worked as Chief of the Port

Event Note

Captain Naiden Naidenov Найден Найденов, Chief of the Port of Varna Варна, helped operate the ring.
Bulgarian authorities did not intervene or prevent Jewish emigration from their ports.

Event Note

Captain Naiden Naidenov Найден Найденов issued a fake certificate to Captain Anton Prudkin, for Rudniçer רודניצ'ר, which sailed with four times as many passengers as pemissable.


Source References

  1. No Way Back


    1. Найденов Naidenov Naydenov, Naiden Nayden