פטר א‘ ב’ Pietro-Alberta Peter עליה Aliyah אלברטינה Alberta Albertina

Alternate Locations
City Taranto
County provincia di Taranto
State/ Province Puglia
Country Italia
City רשפון-שפיים Rishpon-Shefayim
County חוף השרון
State/ Province המרכז
Country ישראל
City Bandol
Church Parish canton d'Ollioules, arrondissement de Toulon
County Var
State/ Province Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Country France
City נהריה Nahariyah
State/ Province הצפון
Country ישראל



Peter פטר was a new caique
Registered Name: Albertina
Nickname: עליה
Built: 1945
Gross tonnage: 170 tons
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: Pietro פטר Albertina אלברטינה was 109 gross tons
Engine: 150 horsepower Ansaldo engine
Gross tonnage: 170
Ship Number 93: Peter 1
Fritz Liebreich cites Albertina allegedly completed 9 journeys.


In late August-early September, 1945, Peter פטר Albertina was prepared for sailing in the Lavanta shipyard, with the help of Jewish soldiers from Transportation Unit 468 of the British Army.


On September 12, 1945, Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1 sailed from Taranto, carrying 168 passengers.
Paul H. Silverstone cites Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1 sailed from Metaponto., carrying 171 passengers.
Palmach Information Center cites: Pietro A carried 171 passengers.
Achille Rastelli cites: "Pietro, con due viaggi da Taranto nel settembre e nell’ottobre 1945 con 168 e 174 persone."
Tzvi Katznelson cites: "a convoy of 171 immigrants arrived at Santa Margharita (did Zvi Katznelson mean Santa Margherita Ligure?) , and were brought to the ship by Italian fishing boats."
The Captain Padrone, and an Italain crew served aboard Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1.
Avraham Raiss seved as Gidoni aboard Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1.
Tzvi Katznelson and Eliezer Versh served as Palyam Escorts aboard Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1.


Tzvi Katznelson cites during the voyage of Peter A ‘פטר א Pietro 1, "The only thing that did go wrong is that somewhere on our journey we lost the anchor. When, during a storm, we stopped at the island of Cos(su) unknown assailants opened fire on us. We left the anchor where it was and took off in a hurry."
Tzvi Ben-Tzur cites "She took shelter in the island of Cos, Greece, because of stormy weather, but the local police thought the vessel was engaged in smuggling and fired upon her. She was forced to raise anchor and flee.'


On September 17, 1945, Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1 arrived off the coast of Palestine.
On the night of September 19, 1945, Peter 'פטר א Pietro 1 was off the shore of Rishpon רשפון Shefayim שפיים.
Tzvi Ben-Tzur cites: "The vessel arrived off the coast of Shfayim on September 19th, unknown to the British. The Ma’apilim were swiftly brought to shore by launch."


Peter פטר Pietro sailed back to Bari, carrying seamen and Gidonim, wireless radio operators, and emissaries from the Palmach, and Jewish Agency.


On September 28, 1945 Peter ‘פטר א Pietro 1 arrived at Taranto, carrying food supplies and fuel that had been loaded at Rishpon-Shefayim, and 11 emissaries of Mossad leAliyah Bet, who sailed back to Italy.


On October 15, 1945, Peter 'פטר ב Pietro 2 sailed from Taranto, carrying 174 passengers.
Aviva Halamish cites on page 241 of The Exodus affair: Holocaust survivors and the struggle for Palestine, Aliyah sailing from a French port, carrying 182 passengers, four months after Exodus 1947 sailed from Sète. The route was Scarpanto, Crete, Cyprus and Rishpon-Shefayim.


On October 22, 1945, Peter 'פטר ב Pietro 2 arrived at Rishpon-Shefayim.


On November 5, 1947, Aliyah 'עליה sailed from Bandol, carrying 182 passengers.
Palyam.org cites: "the Ma’apilim of “Aliya” stole away from the port secretly, during the night, and were taken on board by rubber boats, which plied between vessel and shore with the aid of a cable that the Ma’apilim pulled."
Yair Braker served as Palyam Commander aboard Aliyah 'עליה.
Batya and Meir Reines served as Gidonim, wireless radio operators, aboard Aliyah 'עליה.


Tvi Ben-Tzur cites: "Despite a British scout plane hovering in that area and destroyers in the water, the captain succeeded in beaching the vessel. The Ma’apilim were swiftly debarked and put into several waiting buses, which scattered them among the settlements of the surrounding area."
On November 16, 1947, the British found a small motor vessel, Albertina Aliyah 'פטר ב Pietro, stranded and deserted off Nahariyah נהריה.
Tvi Ben-Tzur cites: "This vessel (Albertina Aliyah 'פטר Pietro) continued to bring Ma’apilim to Palestine in subsequent voyages, bearing the name “Peter II” and later – “Aliya” and also participated in instances where two vessels collaborated, under the name “Albertina”."
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: "Passengers were specially picked youths who quickly disembarked and disappeared."
The British concluded that she had successfully landed her passengers, estimated to number 150, which they consequently subtracted that amount from the monthly quota.

Source References

  1. The Royal Navy and the Palestine Patrol
    1. Page: 145
  2. Britain’s Naval and Political Reaction to the Illegal Immigration of Jews to Palestine, 1945-1948
    1. Page: 268


  1. Braker, Yair
  2. זכאי Zochovitzki Zochovitski Zakai, Avraham ben David
  3. כצנלסון Katzenelson Katznelson, Tzvi 'Miri'
  4. לסקר Lesker Lasker, Gad ben Avraham (Abraham)
  5. קרני ‎Rickman Karni, Avraham