ינאי Poznanski Yannai Yanai, Shmuel Samuel 'Samek' ben Yehezchiel

Birth Name ינאי Poznanski Yannai Yanai, Shmuel Samuel 'Samek' ben Yehezchiel [1a]
Birth Name Poznanski, Shmuel ben Yehezchiel
Also Known As ינאי, שמואל בן יחזקאל
Also Known As 'סמק'
Also Known As 'ארמונִי'
Call Name 'Samek'
Call Name Shmuel
Call Name שמואל
Call Name 'סמק'
Call Name 'ארמונִי'
Gender male
Age at Death 90 years, 5 months, 2 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth January 25, 1921 Warszawa Warsaw, województwo Mazowieckie, Polska  

Education   Warszawa Warsaw, województwo Mazowieckie, Polska Shmuel Poznanski studied at the Tarbut Hebrew school

Aliyah September 3, 1935   Shmuel Poznanski, having received an Immigration Certificate, came to Mandate Palestine, by himself, at age fourteen years

Event Note

Shmuel Poznanski made Aliyah with the student certificate for the BOSMAT בוסמת Vocational School, the technical school connected with the Technion הטכניון

Boat September, 1935 SS Polonia Lonia SS Kursk SS Polonia sailed from Constanţa to Haifa חיפה

Education   בית ספר מקצועי תיכוני להנדסאים וטכנאים מוסמכים בסמ"ת BOSMAT Vocational School, חיפה, ישראל The BOSMAT בוסמת Vocational School replaced the Reali Technical School

Place Note

BOSMAT בסמ"ת is an acronym, בית ספר מקצועי תיכוני להנדסאים וטכנאים מוסמכים, for Technical Vocational School.

Place Note

In 1933, BOSMAT בסמ"ת opened, replacing the Reali Technical School, which prepared students for the Technion, as s 4 year vocational secondary school.

Place Note

In 1938, Dr. Shlomo Bardin founded the Marine High School in BOSMAT בסמ"ת, which undertook training for Palyam פלי"ם.

Military Service 1937 הגנה Haganah Shmuel Yanai enlisted

Event Note

In 1937, Shmuel Yanai served as Commander of the Guards at Kfar Chassidim כפר חסידים.

Residence 1938 קיבוץ נווה איתן kibbutz Neve Eitan, בקעת בית שאן, הצפון, ישראל Shmuel Poznanski Yanai served as a Guard שומר, and helped build the'Tower and Stockade' חומה ומגדל settelement

Military Service 1941 פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה  

Event Note

Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai served in A Company, and in the Fourth Battalion.

Military Action 1942   Palmach פלמ"ח Squad Commanders' course (קורס למפקדי כיתות (מ"כים

Event Note

In early 1942, Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai completed the Squad Commanders' course (קורס מפקדי כיתות (מ"כים.


Event Note

In 1942, Yedidia Zafrir attended the the Squad Commanders' course (קורס מפקדי כיתות (מ"כים., at Ayelet haShachar איילת-השחר.

Military Service 1943 פלי“ם Palyam פלוגת הים‎, פלמ”ח, הגנה Shmuel Samek Yanai served as מפקד פלים Palyam Commander

Military Action 1944 קיסריה Caesarea Maritima Caesarea قيسارية‎, חוף הכרמל‎, חיפה, ישראל Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 3 Small Boat Commanders' course קורס שלישי למפקדי סירות

Event Note

The Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 3 Small Boat Commanders' course:
The course prepared seamen, who would serve in bringing Maapilim to Palestine.
Platoon leader:
* Gad Lasker
* Menachem 'Churchill' Cohen
* Zalman Perah
* Avraham Zakai
* Levi Aniv
* Yochai Bin-Nun
* Shaul 'Shuli' Oren
* Yosef Schwartzman Shachar
* Shmuel Yanai
* Hanan Yones
Levi Aniv cites: "The aim of the course was to prepare seamen who would be useful in the bringing in of future immigrants of the Aliyah Bet. We had a great deal of practice in rowing, sailing, and navigation."
The three boats on the Yarkon River that were used were Dov דב, Rivka רבקה and Tirza תרצה, one of which is now in the Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum מוזיאון ההעפלה וחיל הים ע"ש דוד הכהן in Haifa חיפה.

Military Action August, 1945   Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 2 Captain's course קורס שני לחובלים

Event Note

The Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 2 Captain's course קורס החובלים השני, was held in August, 1945

* Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai

Military Action October, 1945 קיבוץ יגור kibbutz Yagur, עמק זבולון, חיפה, ישראל Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 5 Small Boat Commanders' course קורס חמישי למפקדי סירות

Event Note

In 1945, the Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 5 Small Boat Commanders' course קורס מפקדי סירות חמישי was held at Caesarea קיסריה.
* Moshe Dafni
Moshe Dafni cites: "In 1945, when I returned to Palestine, Yankale Salomon met me and invited me to return to the Palmach. I returned to the Palyam in October and went straight to the 5th course, as I had had so much experience at sea. After this course I was sent to the officers’ course, which was at Yagur."
* Zhmuel 'Samek' Poznanski Yanai
* Aviah Schliff


Military Action     Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 5 Captain's course קורס חמישי לחובלים

Event Note

The Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 5 Captain's course:
* Avraham Botzer

Boat August 28, 1945 דלין Dahlia Dalin דליה Sirius Dalin דלין landed at Sdot Yam דלין, and the Maapilim were helped ashore

Place Note

On August 28, 1945, Dalin דלין landed at Sdot Yam שדות ים - Caesarea קיסריה, without being discovered by the British.
Tzvi 'Miri' Katzneson cites "On the 29th of that month the ship “Dalin” arrived from Italy with 37 immigrants on board."
Two fishing boats went out to meet Dalin דלין, the first post-war illegal immigrant vessel.
Enrico Levi cites: "On 28 August the Ma’apilim descended on the shore at Caesarea."
Palmach Information Center cites Dalin דלין's passengers were unloaded by five Palyam boats, dispersed and hidden at nearby settlements.
On September 2, 1945, after two days of searching, a kibbutz fishing boat brought ashore 35 passengers.
Palyamniks helped the Maapilim ashore:
* Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai
Tzvi 'Miri' Katznelson cites; "After the immigrants had landed we loaded barrels of diesel fuel on board and she sailed back to Bari."
Dalin דלין's sailed back to Bari carrying:
* Peter Hoffman
* Tzvi 'Miri' Katznelson
* Moshe Rabinowitz
* Avraham Reiss
* Yisrael Rotem
* Eliezer Versh

Military Action October 31, 1945   Operation Party מבצע מסיבה, or the Night of the Trains ליל הרכבות, was the first military action of the Jewish Resistance Movement תנועת המרי העברי

Event Note

The Jewish Resistance Movement תנועת המרי העברי, or United Resistance Movement (URM), was an umbrella group for Jewish Resistance movements in the British Mandate of Palestine, led by Moshe Sneh and Israel Galili. and operated between 1945 and 1946.

Event Note

On the Night of the Trains ליל הרכבות, or Operation Party מבצע מסיבה, approximately fifty Palmach units, including sappers and guards, sabotaged and damaged 153 points along the railroad lines in Palestine, primarily at railroad junctions and bridges.
The operations took place around 23:00PM, and were synchronized, to prevent a British response.
Shootings occured in only 2 places, but there were no casualties.

Event Note

On the night of October 31, 1945, during the Night of the Trains ליל הרכבות, or Operation Party מבצע מסיבה, Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai led the squad that sabotaged the railroad track section between Zichron Yaacov זכרון יעקב and Binyamina בנימינה.

Event Note

On the night the railway lines were sabotaged, Yoske Romanovsly Rom sabotaged the lines between Pardes Hanna and Hadera.
He also participated in the attack on the Sidna Ali Police Station

Event Note

Dan Lener served as an operations Commander during the Night of the Trains ליל הרכבות.

Boat May 28, 1946 רפי Rafi Rafi רפי sailed with Haviva Reik חביבה רייק from Pireaus Πειραιάς

Event Note

In Athens Αθήνα, Yosef Lazarovsky helped Gidoni גדעוני, Avraham Lichovsky assemble the wireless radio transmitter for Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai and Aryeh Kippy Kaplan, for their next vessel.

Place Note

On May 28, 1946, Rafi רפי sailed from Pireaus Πειραιάς, carrying 150 passengers.
Tzvi Ben-Tzur cites: Rafi רפי sailed from Cape Sounion Aκρωτήριο Σούνιο, in June, 1946, carriying 119 passengers, with Haviva Reik חביבה רייק carrying 343 passengers.
Amuta Yam.org cites: on June 2, 1946, the boats sailed from Cape Sounion Aκρωτήριο Σούνιο, with a total of 462 passengers, Haviva Reik חביבה רייק carrying 343 passenger, which extrapolates to 113 passengers carried by Rafi רפי.
Aryeh Kippy Kaplan cites: they took 150 passengers aboard Rafi רפי, on June 2, 1946, and 312 passengers aboard Haviva Reik חביבה רייק.
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: Rafi רפי carried 150 passengers.
Aryeh 'Kippy' Kaplan cites: Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai served as Palyam פלי”ם Commander מפקד aboard Rafi רפי.
Aryeh 'Kippy' Kaplan cites: Avraham Lichovsky served as Gidoni גדעוני aboard Rafi רפי.
Aryeh Kippy Kaplan served as Palyam פלי”ם Commander מפקד aboard Haviva Reik חביבה רייק,
Shalom Bornstein served as Gidoni גדעוני aboard Haviva Reik חביבה רייק.

Place Note

Tzvi Ben-Tzur cites: On June 7, 1946, there were 462 passengers aboard Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק when she sailed into Palestinian waters.
Aryeh Kippy Kaplan cites: When Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק and Rafi רפיi were close to the shore of Palestine, those on Rafi רפי transferred to the Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק, and the Greek crew on Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק went to Rafi רפיi, which immediately headed back to Greece.
Amuta Yam.org.il cites: The passengers aboard Rafi רפי were crowded aboard Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק., on June 5, 1946,
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: 150 passengers aboard Rafi רפי were crowded aboard Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק, and the crew of Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק disembarked.

Event Note

On June 5, 1946, Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai, who served as Palyam פלי"ם Commander מפקד aboard Rafi רפי, came aboard Haviva Reik חביבה רייק, with the Maapilim.

Boat May 28, 1946 חביבה רייק Αγιος Ανδρέας Aghios Ioannis Aghios Andreaas Haviva Reik  

Place Note

On May 28, 1946, Haviva Reik חביבה רייק sailed from Piraeus Πειραιάς, carrying 462 passengers.
Tzvi Ben-Tzur cites: in June, 1946, Haviva Reik חביבה רייק sailed from Cape Sounion Aκρωτήριο Σούνιο, carrying 343 passengers, with Rafi רפי carrying 119 passengers.
Palmach Information Center cites: on June 2, 1946, Haviva Reik חביבה רייק sailed fromPiraeus Πειραιάς, carrying 342 passengers.
Amuta Yam.org.il cites: on June 2, 1946, Haviva Reik חביבה רייק sailed from Cape Sounion Aκρωτήριο Σούνιο, carrying 343 passengers.
Fritz Liebreich cites: Haviva Reik חביבה רייק sailed from Cape Sounion Aκρωτήριο Σούνιο, south of Piraeus Πειραιάς.
Aryeh Kippy Kaplan cites: on June 2, 1946, they took 312 passengers aboard Haviva Reik חביבה רייק, and and 150 passengers aboard Rafi רפי.
Aryeh Kippy Kaplan served as Palyam פלי”ם Commander מפקד aboard Haviva Reik חביבה רייק.
Shalom Bornstein served as Gidoni גדעוני aboard Haviva Reik חביבה רייק.
Aryeh Kippy Kaplan cites: Shmuel Samek Yanai served as Palyam פלי”ם Commander מפקד aboard Rafi רפי.
Aryeh Kippy Kaplan cites: Avraham Lichovsky served as Gidoni גדעוני, wireless radio operator, aboard Rafi רפי.

Place Note

Tzvi Ben-Tzur cites: On June 7, 1946, there were 462 passengers aboard Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק when she sailed into Palestinian waters.
Aryeh Kippy Kaplan cites: When Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק and Rafi רפיi were close to the shore of Palestine, those on Rafi רפי transferred to the Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק, and the Greek crew on Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק went to Rafi רפיi, which immediately headed back to Greece.
Amuta Yam.org.il cites: The passengers aboard Rafi רפי were crowded aboard Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק., on June 5, 1946,
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: 150 passengers aboard Rafi רפי were crowded aboard Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק, and the crew of Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק disembarked.

Event Note

On June 5, 1946, Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai, who served as Palyam פלי"ם Commander מפקד aboard Rafi רפי, came aboard Haviva Reik חביבה רייק, with the Maapilim.

Place Note

On June 8, 1946, Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק arrived in Palestine, and was discovered and captured by a British destroyer.
She was towed to Haifa, and her passengers were interned at Atlit Detention Camp.
Tzvi Ben-Tzur cites: Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק "was discovered on June 7th by a British destroyer that butted her with force. On June 8th, soldiers boarded her quickly, overpowered the crew and towed the vessel into Haifa, where the Ma’apilim hauled up a big poster that read: “Keep the Gates Open Because We Are Not the Last Ones to come!".
Fritz Liebreich cites the passengers of Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק Aghios Andreas were arrested near kibbutz Nitzanim קיבוץ ניצנים, off Ashkelon אשקלון, on June 9, 1948.
Amuta Yam.org.il cites: there were 462 passengers aboard Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק. when she was intercepted by the British.
PaulH. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: Chaviva Reik חביבה רייק was captured by British destroyer, HMS Saumarez, with machinery broken down and no crew; there were . 327 men, 143 women, 15 children on board.

Boat July 30, 1946 רפי Rafi Rafi and Henrietta Szold sailed from

Place Note

On July 30, 1946, Henrietta Szold הנרייטה סולד, sailed from Piraeus Πειραιάς, carrying 536 passenger, illegal immigrants from the Kifissia Κηφισιά orphanage in Athens Αθήνα.
Fritz Liebreich cites Henrietta Szold הנרייטה סולד sailed from Cape Sounion Aκρωτήριο Σούνιο, south of Piraeus Πειραιάς.
Henrietta Szold הנרייטה סולד was accompanied by Rafi רפי, a smaller boat, that carried 140 passengers.
Paul H. Silverstone's Aliyah Bet Project cites: Rafi רפי carried 150 passengers.
Amuta Yam.org cites Henrietta Szold הנרייטה סולד carried 394 passenger, while Rafi רפי, carried 150 more passengers.
Aryeh 'Kippy' Kaplan served as Palyam Commander aboard Henrietta Szold הנרייטה סולד.
Avraham Lichovsky served as Gidoni aboard Henrietta Szold הנרייטה סולד.
Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai served as Palyam Commander aboard Rafi רפי.

Place Note

With rough seas and engine troubles, Henrietta Szold הנרייטה סולד sought shelter near Syrna Island, where the inhabitants demanded they leave.
She sailed to the neighboring island of Kamilla Nisi, and Rafi רפי went back to Greece with engine parts for repair.
After 6 days, Henrietta Szold הנרייטה סולד and Rafi רפי resumed their course.

Place Note

About 150 miles from Palestine, the passengers aboard Rafi רפי were transferred to Henrietta Szold הנרייטה סולד, and the Greek crew returned to Greece aboard Raf רפיi.

Military Service   חיל הים הישראלי Israeli Navy, צה"ל  

Military Action October 30, 1956 מבצע קדש Operation Kadesh, מלחמת סיני (1956) Ibrahim el Awal was captured

Event Note

Zahal.org.il cites: "The hostilities begun on October 29th when forces from Great Britain, France and Israel launched the so called "Operation Musketeer"."
"Israeli Navy headquarters in Haifa sent a three ships task force to patrol and defend the long coastline of Israel. Two Z class detroyers, INS Yaffo and INS Eilath together with the old frigate, INS Miznak were patrolling the sea about 32 miles south west to Haifa when the Egyptian destroyer sneaked into the bay and at 03:30 begun shelling the city of Haifa."
"The Israeli task force under the command of Captain Shmuel "Samek" Yanai is informed about the attack and is turning north in order to engage the Egyptian destroyer. The slower frigate Miznak is left behind and out of the chase while the Yaffo under the command of Commander Yohai Ben-Nun and the Eilath with Commander Menahem Cohen in charge are speading in 30 knots to the assumed course of the Egyptian flag ship."
"Captain Yanai is determined to utilize his supremacy and end the battle as soon as possible, before the expected intervention of the Egyptian Air Force. Ibrahim El Awal returns fire but her gunners fail to hit their targets. The Israelis on the other side, firing massive salvos of shells are hitting their target causing the Egyptian destroyer severe damages."

Event Note

In 1956 during Kadesh Operation מבצע קדש, Shmuel 'Samek' Yanai commanded the boat that captured the Egyptian destroyer Ibrahim el Awal, which was renamed the IDF ship, INS Haifa.

Honor 2003 גן ההעפלה Gan Haapalah, תל אביב,  

Place Note

In 2003, Shmuel Yanai initiated the commemorative project, and served as historical adviser, of Gan Haapalah גן ההעפלה, on London Square כיכר לונדון‎, commemorating the Haapalah העפלה, funded by a donation by Sir Ronald Cohen and his wife Lady Sharon Harel-Cohen, in memory of Sir Ronald's father, Michael Cohen.

Death June 27, 2011    

Burial June, 2011 קיבוץ שדות ים kibbutz Sdot Yam, חוף הכרמל, חיפה, ישראל  




סאמק, מפקד ההנרייטה סולד, מספר על ההכנות להפלגה


Shmuel שמואל‎ means God Heard or God's Name
Shmuel שמואל Samuel, son of Elkanah and Hannah, was the last of the Prophets from the Old Testament; he annointed King Saul.
He was named Shmuel שמואל Samuel, saying, "Because I asked the Lord for him." (1 Samuel 1:20)


Yanai ינאי means He Will Answer, in Aramaic.
Yannai יניי was a prolific poet, and the first payyetan, a writer of piyutim פּיּוּטִים, to employ rhyme and to introduce his name in acrostics.
Alexander Yannai יהונתן אלכסנדר ינאי was Hasmonean חשמונאי king of Judea יהודה, from 103 BC to 76 BC.
Rabbi Yannai רבי ינאי‎ was a sage, in the first half of the 3rd Century, the first generation of Amora אמורא sages of Israel, and a disciple of Rabbi Judah haNasi יהודה הנשיא‎.

Source References

  1. השערים פתוחים The Gates are Open, Collection of Memories of Clandestine Immigration 1945-1948
    1. Page: 279
  2. Britain’s Naval and Political Reaction to the Illegal Immigration of Jews to Palestine, 1945-1948


    1. ינאי Poznanski Yannai Yanai, Shmuel Samuel 'Samek' ben Yehezchiel