שאול Oren Aharonov, Shaul 'Shuli' ben Yitzhak

Birth Name שאול Oren Aharonov, Shaul 'Shuli' ben Yitzhak
Birth Name אהרונוב, שאול בן יצחק
Also Known As אורן, שאול 'שולי' בן יצחק
Call Name 'Shuli'
Call Name שאול
Call Name 'שולי'
Gender male
Age at Death 82 years, 11 months, 5 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth October 25, 1925    

Event Note

Shaul Aharonov's parents came from Russia, and built their home in the Old North End הצפון הישן of Tel Aviv תל אביב, near the Yarkon River נחל הירקון.

Education   ביה"ס מקס-פיין Max Fine school, תל-אביב  

Membership   נוער העובד Noar haOved  

Military Service 1941 פלמ"ח פלוגות מחץ Palmach, הגנה  

Event Note

'Shuli' Oren served in the 6th Company 'פלוגה ו, at Kfar Giladi כפר-גלעדי, under Yitzchak Rabin, and Bet haArava בית-הערבה.

Event Note

In 1943, 'Shuli' Oren attended the Squad Leaders' Course at Joara and subsequently, the Officers' Training Course.

Military Service   פלי“ם Palyam פלוגת הים‎, פלמ”ח, הגנה  

Event Note

From 1946 to 1949, 'Shuli' Oren served as Palyam פלי"ם Small Boat Commanders' Course קורס למפקדי סירות leader at Caesarea קיסריה and Sdot Yam שדות-ים.

Military Action 1944 קיסריה Caesarea Maritima Caesarea قيسارية‎, חוף הכרמל‎, חיפה, ישראל Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 3 Small Boat Commanders' course קורס שלישי למפקדי סירות

Event Note

The Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 3 Small Boat Commanders' course:
The course prepared seamen, who would serve in bringing Maapilim to Palestine.
Platoon leader:
* Gad Lasker
* Menachem 'Churchill' Cohen
* Zalman Perah
* Avraham Zakai
* Levi Aniv
* Yochai Bin-Nun
* Shaul 'Shuli' Oren
* Yosef Schwartzman Shachar
* Shmuel Yanai
* Hanan Yones
Levi Aniv cites: "The aim of the course was to prepare seamen who would be useful in the bringing in of future immigrants of the Aliyah Bet. We had a great deal of practice in rowing, sailing, and navigation."
The three boats on the Yarkon River that were used were Dov דב, Rivka רבקה and Tirza תרצה, one of which is now in the Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum מוזיאון ההעפלה וחיל הים ע"ש דוד הכהן in Haifa חיפה.

Military Action 1944 בית ספר מקצועי תיכוני להנדסאים וטכנאים מוסמכים בסמ"ת BOSMAT Vocational School, חיפה, ישראל Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 2 Naval Officers' course קורס שני

Event Note

The Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 2 Naval Officer's course:
The course prepared Palyam members as Naval Commanders.
Platoon leader:
* Avraham Rickman Karni
* Shaul 'Shuli' Oren
Avraham Rickman Karni cites: "it was decided to give a number of those who had taken part in the small boat commanders course, the opportunity to participate in a naval officer’s course as well. I took part in this course which was held in the School for Naval Officers, next to the Haifa Technion."

Military Service 1945 מוסד לעלייה ב' Mossad leAliyah Bet  

Event Note

In 1946, 'Shuli' Oren was sent to Italy to work for Mossad leAliyah Bet.

Event Note

'Shuli' Oren Iworked in the DP Camps around Bari, Metaponto and Magenta.

Boat August 2, 1946 כ"ג יורדי הסירה Giuseppe Bertolli San Sissimo San Sisino Kaf Gimel (23) Yordei haSira Kaf Gimel (23) Yordei Hasira כ"ג יורדי הסירה sailed from Bocca di Magra

Place Note

On August 2, 1946, Kaf Gimel (23) Yordei Hasira כ"ג יורדי הסירה sailed from Bocca di Magra, carrying 750 passengers.
Paul H. Silverstone and Palyam.org cite 790 passengers, (Paul H. Silverstone cites about 400 men, 400 women and 35 children).
Ichar (Wajcman) Weizmann cites Kaf-Gimel ()23) Yordei hasira sailing on August 2, 1946, several days after the ship Katriel Jafde (which he translates as Beautiful Katriel Katriel haYafe), from the same port, Miaponto (Metaponto).
Sir W. Wakefield cites Kaf Gimel (23) Yordei Hasira כ"ג יורדי הסירה sailing from northern Italy, carrying 815 passengers.
According to the original plan, the passengers onboard Katriel Jaffe were supposed to transfer over to Kaf Gimel Yordei haSira at sea.
Yisrael Rosenblum Rotem served as Palyam Commander aboard Kaf Gimel (23) Yordei Hasira כ"ג יורדי הסירה
Shaul 'Shuli' Oren served as Palyam Escort and Second-in-Command aboard Kaf Gimel (23) Yordei Hasira כ"ג יורדי הסירה.
Yitzchak Hektin served as Gidoni , Wireless Radio Operator, aboard Kaf Gimel (23) Yordei Hasira כ"ג יורדי הסירה.
The Captain aboard Kaf Gimel (23) Yordei Hasira כ"ג יורדי הסירה was Italian, and the crew was composed of 8 foreign sailors.

Event Note

'Shuli' Oren served as Palyam פלי"ם Escort מלווה and Second-in-Command aboard כ"ג יורדי הסירה.

Event Note

On August 2, 1946, Gabi Weisman sailed from Bocca di Magra on Kaf Gimel Yordei haSira כ"ג יורדי הסירה.

Boat May 15, 1947 מורדי הגטאות Orietta Agha Orietta Ghetto Freedom Fighters Mered haGhetaot Mordei haGetaot Mordei haGetaot מורדי הגטאות sailed from Bari for Palestine

Place Note

On May 15, 1947, Mordei haGetaot מורדי הגטאות sailed from Bari, carrying 1,457 passengers, 904 men, 518 women and 37 children (1,459).
Shaul Oren cites Mordei haGetaot sailing on May 13, 1947.
Palmach Information Center cites Mordei haGetaot sailing from Metaponto, n May 13, 1947, having been prepared to depart for Palestine from La Spezia.
Achille Rastelli cites: "Il 15 maggio 1947 partiva da Bari il motoveliero Orietta (poi Mordei Hagetaoth) con ben 1.457 persone."

Event Note

'Shuli' Oren served as Palyam פלי"ם Escort מלווה and Second-in-Command aboard Mordei haGetaot מורדי הגטאות from Bari for Palestine.

Event Note

On May 15, 1947, Issac Einhorn sailed on Mordei haGetaot מורדי הגטאות from Bari for Palestine.

Marriage 1947   On the eve of Succot, Shaul Oren married Chayuta ben Avraham

Military Action 1947   Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 9 Small Boat Commanders' course קורס שמיני‏ למפקדי סירות שמיני‏

Event Note

The Palyam פלי"ם‎ No. 9 Small Boat Commanders' course:
Platoon leader:
* Shaul 'Shuli' Oren

Military Service   שייטת 13 S-13 Shayetet 13, צבא הגנה לישראל  

Membership 1949 קיבוץ קריית ענבים kibbutz Kiryat Anavim, מטה יהודה, ירושלים, ישראל  

Death September 30, 2008    

Military Service 1948 צה"ל צבא הגנה לישראל TzaHaL IDF Israel Defense Forces  

Event Note

In 1958, Shaul Oren was appointed Second-in-Command of the Har Tuv הרטוב‎ region, with the rank of lieutenant colonel.



    1. שאול Oren Aharonov, Shaul 'Shuli' ben Yitzhak